
Tableau Starter Kits

Practice authoring, interacting, publishing, and administering Tableau.

Administer Tableau Cloud

The power is yours, now. Check out the content below to gain the foundation you need to deploy and manage Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server and ensure your data stays nice and secure. Switch between these products using the links to the left.

Section 1: Plan your deployment
1.1 Tableau’s Approach to Cloud: It’s All about Choice
1.2 6 Strategies for Transitioning to the Cloud
1.3 Begin with a trial
Section 2: Administration
2.1 Tableau Cloud Admin Forum
2.2 Add Projects
2.3 Permissions
2.4 Set Up Permissions for Groups and Individuals
2.5 tabcmd: Tableau Command Line Utility
2.6 5 Best Practices for Mobile Business Intelligence
Section 3: Data
3.1 Get your Data to Tableau Cloud
3.2 Tableau Cloud Tips: Keeping Your Data Fresh in the Cloud
3.3 Data Governance for Self-Service Analytics
3.4 Tableau Cloud: Keeping Your Data Fresh
3.5 Notify Data Owners when Extract Refreshes Fail
3.6 Where Does Your Data Live? Introducing the Cloud Data Brief
3.7 3 Shifts in the Modern Data Environment
3.8 Tableau's Approach to Big Data
3.9 Google BigQuery & Tableau: Best Practices
3.10 7 Tips to Succeed with Big Data
3.11 5 Ways to Maximize Your Salesforce Data
Section 4: Security
4.1 A Security Checklist for Publishing Data to the Cloud
4.2 Enable SAML Authentication on a Site
4.3 Embed Your Tableau Cloud Viz with Site SAML
4.4 Secure Data and Analytics in the Cloud with Tableau Cloud
4.5 ADFS Authentication using SAML
4.6 Tableau Security Page
4.7 Tableau & Mobile Security