Tableau Conference

TC21 Focus: Education

How are your peers using Tableau to improve school operations and boost student success? Hear what education leaders have to say about the transformative power of data and fostering a thriving data culture.

Data Culture in Education: A Fireside Chat with Three Universities

Ken Flerlage
Jessica Lyons
Lori Lindenberg
Ravi Pendse
Fireside chats with education leaders, including a Tableau Visionary, who discuss how embracing a data culture improved outcomes for faculty, staff, and students.

Whose Data Is It Anyway?

Jackie Yeaney
Deborah Phelps
Brad Wheeler
Thaun Nguyen
Listen in as education executives discuss data silos, determining who really owns the data and rethinking data policies while still adhering to governance and privacy guidelines.

Running on Data: How Education Institutions Do It

Kristin Smith
Shawn Pfaff
Albert Vega
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the dashboards that administrators, principals, deans, and others are using to run their schools and universities.

Explore more TC21 Episodes by Audience or Industry

Training Pass の TC 特別オファー

Tableau を学びましょう。90 日間有効の Training Pass で、講師が指導するライブバーチャル形式の Tableau Desktop 全コースを、制限なく柔軟に受講できます。 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください


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