온디맨드 웨비나

A Single Shade of Orange at easyJet: From Evalulation to Enterprise-Wide Rollout

The business intelligence (BI) journey which easyJet has been on, including evaluating tools, conducting a proof-of-concept of Tableau and producing a pilot, roll-out, and enterprise-wide 16 core server on the back of it. This will include eight live demonstrations of how easyJet uses the Tableau platform across the business, including understanding where people choose to sit on an aircraft, how Tableau can visualise bird strike data, and look at live planned and actual routes with aircraft animating across the screen.

발표자 소개

Paul Chapman

BI Centre of Excellence Manager, easyJet Airline PLC

As a business intelligence (BI) Centre of Excellence (CoE) manager for easyJet, Paul is an experienced Tableau Jedi, blogger, and co-organizer of the London Tableau User Group. He often speaks on Tableau's behalf at industry events and regularly holds sessions with other industries looking to engage with Tableau. Paul helps other people and organizations see and understand how easyJet has built their Centre of Excellence. When not using Tableau, Paul can be found piloting aircraft, running marathons, or taking part in Obstacle course races.

동영상 다운로드 링크


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