Productrelease en download

Tableau Server 2021.2.2

We raden aan om de nieuwste onderhoudsrelease van deze versie te gebruiken, want deze bevat oplossingen voor bepaalde fouten.

Download Tableau Server 2021.2.2 De nieuwste versie downloaden (aanbevolen)

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Download Unavailable

The download file for this version has been removed due to the security issues currently identified in CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046. In order to address these security issues, you must update to the newest version of your desired Tableau product. For more information please see the Knowledge Article, Apache Log4j2 vulnerability (Log4shell)

Starting in September, 2023, fixed defects can be found on this site. Additional defect information is available at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau.

Opgeloste problemen

Probleem-ID Beschrijving

A large extract refresh task could fail with error saying, "An error occurred while communicating with the data source The connection to the data source might have been lost. ExternalProtocol::PipeMessageSource::ReadBytes: Communication with the Tableau Protocol Server process was lost".


With the content security policy enabled, the sign-in button was unavailable for views with OAuth data sources set to prompt the user.


An install could fail on additional nodes of a cluster during initialization when 'svcmonitor.notification.smtp.port' is blank or a non-integer.


A Creator user could receive an error code 60011 when saving a data source in Web edit mode and the "let publishers embed credentials in a data source, flow, or workbook" is disabled.


When accessing a view within a Story, it would sometimes not be possible to open the underlying data using the View Data option for both Summary and Full.


A flow could fail to run on Tableau Server after being web edited.


A URL Action for "mailto" had incorrect formatting when compared to Tableau Desktop.


A new flag was added to the "tsm topology external-services repository enable' command to allow for configuration of an external repository without SSL.


On the Jobs menu, the Job Details popup would open only on the first selection and not on subsequent clicks.


A published SAP HANA extract that was multi-node connection could fail to refresh with the error, "Missing password" after upgrading to 2021.1.2.

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Do, 02 september, 2021

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page