Webinar on-demand

Measuring and Improving a Health Plan’s Provider Network Adequacy

A health plan’s ability to deliver the benefits promised and provide access to physician options and health care services is essential to the member experience. In this session, we discuss how to use data to measure network adequacy and how health plans can identify providers they should recruit to improve their network. We explore how to analyze the adequacy of the existing network of providers against a population of potential new members.

Join industry experts for a data-driven webinar to help achieve better healthcare access and outcomes for members, including:

  • A dashboard that measures adequacy by specialty using driving distance
  • A what-if approach to identifying providers a plan should try and recruit to improve their network adequacy
  • A method to prepare data and compute the drive time using Tableau Prep and Google APIs.

About the speakers


Claire Folks

Senior Solution Engineer, Tableau

Alexis Guinebertiere

Senior Solution Engineer Manager, Tableau

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