
MarshMcLennan Webinar Series

Join us for the MarshMcLennan Webinar series!

Tableau is excited to present this three-part webinar series in partnership with Lovelytics on visual analytics. Attend our live webinars April through June to learn best practices for connecting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing your data. Use the registration links below to register for each individual webinar.


Register below:

Date & Time Session Title  

April 29th
3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

Introduction to Tableau Platform
Getting started analyzing your data hasn't been easier or more important. After our overview of the Tableau platform, you'll be able to get started analyzing your data visually.
We'll cover what you need to know before jumping into the platform, what skills you can take from your previous experience, how Tableau thinks about your data, and how you should start thinking in Tableau.
Register Here

May 27th
3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

How to EXCEL with Tableau
Whether you consider yourself a spreadsheet jockey, an Excel savant, a Pivot Table Machine or something in between - this webinar will cover how you can take what you know in Excel and apply it to the Tableau platform - specifically focused on Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder.
Let Excel do what Excel is good at. Move the analytic tasks you depend on and supercharge them in Tableau. This session will cover not only how to duplicate and improve Excel functionality in Tableau, but how to move beyond the constraints of rows and columns.
Register Here

June 24th
3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

Design Secrets for Non-Designers
Chantilly Jaggernauth, a Tableau Visionary, shares visualization design processes and concepts for creating stunning dashboards in Tableau in the “Tableau Design Secrets by a Non-Designer” webinar!
Attendees will learn 5 design process elements: purpose, flow, typography, color and art. By the end of this session, attendees will know how to leverage design requirements documents to capture top KPIs, determine the dashboard style based on the audience and key stakeholders, create a layout with a clear hierarchy and grid-like structure, construct dashboard wireframes/templates directly in Tableau, use color effectively to engage and highlight content, and incorporate custom icons/images to reinforce the dashboard’s subject matter
Register Here


About the speakers

Chantilly Jaffernauth

Chantilly Jaffernauth is the VP of Data Visualization and Training at Lovelytics. Additionally, Chantilly is the Founder and CEO of Millennials and Data (#MAD). Through #MAD, Chantilly works to bridge the data literacy and analytical skills gap by training, mentoring, and preparing millennials to enter a data-driven global environment. Her goal is to build a community of millennials who have the analytical skills needed to become data-driven leaders within any industry.




Yilian Villanueva

Yilian Villanueva is the VP of Tableau Services at Lovelytics. She specializes in Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, and Tableau Server. As a Tableau alumna, she is always excited to help new users get started with Tableau and integrating it as a party of their everyday data strategy.




About Lovelytics

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Lovelytics is a data analytics services firm focusing on creating modern data warehouses and environments, visualizations, maps, and stories through the use tools such as Tableau, Alteryx, Mapbox, and Salesforce.


Your Account Team

Mike Levitz, Account Executive, Tableau - mlevitz@tableau.com

Mike Thomasian, Account Executive ECS, Tableau - mthomasian@tableau.com

Mike Rooney, Head of Sales, Lovelytics - mike.rooney@lovelytics.com

Maresa Von Quintus, Customer Success Manager, Tableau - mvonquintus@tableau.com