
Four Keys to Visual Analytics Success

At major pharmaceutical companies around the world, Tableau supports data-driven action from the lab to the boardroom. Life science professionals know that to receive the maximum value from data they must unlock it with high-quality visual analytics. Quality depends on what looks great, what performs well, how we can communicate more clearly and what is the user experience like. So, how do you get there?

In this webinar, Tableau and InterWorks explore these four keys to success with visual analytics using best practices and examples:

  • Design: tips and tricks
  • Performance: optimization improvements
  • Strategy: going further, getting more from your analytics
  • User adoption: governance and data literacy

This webinar is ideal if you are considering Tableau for visual analytics or if you are a current user looking for guidance to increase the impact of analytics in your organization.

Additional Information

This webinar is in partnership with InterWorks | Contact InterWorks
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Über den Referenten


Robert Curtis

Region Lead, Interworks

Robert has a tremendous amount of experience and expertise in assisting Tableau customers see their data. Robert has been a certified Tableau trainer for five years and is certified to train other Tableau trainers.

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